Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Short Photo Videos can be seen on www.flickr.com

I have been really geeked after making my public service announcement video for my writing class. So I came up with the idea to incorporate some of my photos into short videos for my final Directed Studies Photo Class Project. After re-familiarizing myself with the Word Movie Making Program I used basic editing techniques as to not overpower my photography. It took some time for it all to come together but I was very happy with the results of my attempts at being a movie maker.

Okay so the bad news is that I uploaded my videos onto http://www.flickr.com/ only to discover that the website only shows the first 1 minute and 30 seconds of the video.  This means that my approximately 4 minute videos are stopped way short of completion. You may ask, "why didn't you make your videos 1 minute and 30 seconds?" My response would be, "Because I used my favorite instrumental artist's ( Ryan Farish) music for sound and I didn't want to stop the music so quickly. I was disappointed but I think the videos still give a good sampling of my photography. Take 1 minute and 30 seconds to check out my movie making skills. :-)



Also check out Ryan Farish's videos from Youtube.com

Links for Ryan Farish;




"His God Given Gift", is the title of my first amateur screenplay

My mock movie screen titles for "His God Given Gift".
Boy did I have fun in my Writing for Television and Radio Class. I really learned a lot from the experience this semester.  I have to admit that at first it was intimidating, but once I got started on each individual assignment I had no problem coming up with ideas.

I wrote a Public Service Announcement about organ donation, I wrote a commercial about an energy drink, and I wrote a short screenplay. Dr. Nicholas Schlegel encouraged classroom group interaction and feedback, so ideas and honest criticisms were shared.

On our last class meeting Dr. Schlegel shared that I was either the student with the most re-writes or a close second. ("Thanks Dr. Shlegel for sharing that with my classmates!" :-)  Well to be honest the ten page screenplay was the most challenging. My first two page draft was written more like a novel than a screenplay and I discovered there is a big difference between the two styles. In a screenplay you have to write the scenes in the present tense and you have to write only what can be captured by the camera. It's very important to know that inner thoughts or motives CANNOT be included in the screenplay unless a Voice Over is indicated. By my fifth re-write I think this crucial information was firmly planted in my brain.

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Tanya Britt, Doreen Webb,  and Ayaka Hibino 

Art History AH/HON 4240 is coming to its conclusion for the semester.  I feel that participating in its community outreach programs, and documenting my experience in this blog, has been very rewarding.

I was able to meet my deadlines and submit my grant proposal, 'Creating and Expanding Art Digitally', for Mariners Inn.  I made the necessary changes and did the additional research that was requested and I feel it has a good chance of being funded. I sure hope Mariners Inn can benefit from my efforts.

I would like to thank Dr. Mame Jackson for giving me the opportunity to make a real difference in this Community Arts Program. I would also like to thank Doreen Webb for allowing me the opportunity to contribute in The Obama Project at Mariners Inn. Last, but not lease I would like to thank my fellow teammates, Ayaka Hibino and Nathanial Smalls, as well all the men at Mariners Inn who participated, for making our team efforts memorable.

Tanya Britt holding mosaic plaque given to her by Maurice 'Mo" Hunter.
The completed President Obama domino Portrait.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

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The above video features Mariners Inn and many of their previous projects. 

The Mariners Inn project of recreating the likeness of President Obama in Domino’s was a very enjoyable experience.  I was happy to have the opportunity to document most of the process with my photography.  I met a lot of interesting people at Mariners; Workers and Clients. I found the entire social experience of volunteering my time to this non-profit organization rewarding.

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Over the past two weeks the (AH/HON 4240) Art History Class has been listening to class presentations of grant proposals.  There have been some interesting ideas presented.  Last Wednesday it was my turn to speak on my proposal for Mariners Inn. To be perfectly honest I am not a fan of speaking publicly, but I felt it was important to present my grant proposal for Mariners Inn.

I received  great feed-back from my classmates, Doreen Webb, and from Dr. Mame Jackson. My grant proposal requires additional work but I feel it's foundations are strong. I really hope the men at Mariners Inn benefit from my plan to add two Mac computers and  photo printer/scanner to thier exsiting computer lab.

I discovered a great artistic Adobe Photoshop video which is an example of how the men at Mariners Inn can use learn to create digitally. :o)


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 I did some research on local golf courses as part of my volunteer time at Mariners Inn.  My search was limited to Grand Rapids, Jackson, Traverse City, and Gaylord Michigan.  The list of courses will be used for the upcoming 9th Annual Golf Classic!  The 9th Annual Golf Classic takes place June 3, 2011. Click the hyperlink/highlighted words for additional information.

I was amazed at the amount of golf courses that there are located in Northern Michigan. If golf is your game of choice, Michigan seems to have a wide selection of courses to choose from. Check out this video,
Travel Michigan Golf Video Vignette.

Here is an example of a partial list of golf courses in the Traverse City area;

Traverse Area Golf Listings
All | Antrim | Benzie | Grand Traverse | Kalkaska | Leelanau

Crystal Lake Golf Club
(800) 968-7686
Grandview Golf Club
(800) 678-4111
Glen Arbor
Lake Ann
Suttons Bay