Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Spring Summer-2011; video production

This Spring I will learn to use a video camera and shoot an original final video project.  This Semester will be pretty fast paced, but I will try my best to keep up. I am featuring the video that explains the workings of the Sony PD 170 camera we will be using.  After I master the class I have been told I will have the know how to shoot short films, wedding videos, etc., and I am pretty geeked.  Check out my practice camera's functions.

Spring - Summer 2011; weight training

Well, I am signed up for a weight training course... and so far I am the only female registered.  Can't wait to see how this pans out with my new fitness regiment. A friend of mine shared a website called http://www.bodyrock.tv/ that seems pretty difficult. I would like to share one of the workout videos from YouTube. Seems very intense, but I may give it a try in baby steps.

"Voice over" example...

In  a comment I received, after my last blog, someone asked me , "What is a 'voice over'?"  I apologize for my delay in responding, but finals kept me pretty busy. Check this video out.  It is fun and has a great example of the 'voice over' technique from a screen play that is incorporated into a video. :-)

Psst! hibowler (who asked the question) 'voice over' is just that voice that can be heard when no one is actually speaking in a film! But check out this video anyway.  It is amusing.  ;-)