I haven't really posted since June 19, 2011 so I will quickly play catch up. I am a photography major with a minor in media arts and my last post was on learning how to shoot video. I was clueless!
Well, since then I have made some progress. Practice, and editing time makes a difference in mastering the art of being a film making. Lol!
In this post I will share my video entitled "Art Talk". It was my final project in my intro to video course at Wayne State University. I think it is a cool documentary; but then I made it!
I find I really enjoy the process of making movies. I have a short version and a (2 parts) long version... you decided how much time you want to spend in watching artists talk about their love of art!
A new year, a new beginning...and an opportunity to make new entries in my blog! :-)
This blog originated as a classroom assignment, but now I intend to make it more personal by showcasing my interest. I'm really excited to share my love of the ARTS...