Sunday, March 27, 2011

Reflective blog AH/HON 4240_13

Downtown Detroit
Tanya Britt, eyesonuphoto. All rights reserved.

I needed resources for grant assistance in order to make my grant proposal successful for Mariners Inn. The following are online resources for information and services for nonprofits, including grants, loans, assistance, taxes, management, etc.

I am hoping that my proposal to add two Mac Computers to the Mariners Inn's computer lab will indeed be implemented.  With the following resource links I hope to complete my mini grant proposal. My fellow classmates as well as blog followers are welcome to check out these links.

Find information and services for nonprofits, including grants, loans, assistance, taxes, management and more.. ~

This compilation focuses primarily on grants or funding sources for nonprofit organizations ~ ttp://

Reflective blog AH/HON 4240_12

Downtown Detroit
by Tanya Britt,eyesonuphoto. All rights reserved.

I recently did research online to find Finder Binder resources for Doreen of Mariners Inn.  I would like to share these links here because I think they are important resources. They are very useful for anyone looking to get their press releases published in a timely manner.

"Michigan FinderBinder is a routinely updated binder listing over 800 media outlets across the state of Michigan, including newspapers, television, radio, cable, and more! FinderBinder is available in several formats..."~

 "It's the encyclopedia of the newspaper industry with listings for all dailies worldwide and all community and special interest U.S. and Canadian weeklies. Tabbed sections make it easy to find information from U.S. & Canadian dailies to foreign newspapers. Tables profile newspaper ad trends, circulation size by population groups, rankings by circulation size and more."~

"If you need Michigan media lists, including Michigan Daily newspapers and Michigan Weekly newspapers, Gebbie Press can provide this media contact information. We also list Michigan TV Stations as well as Michigan Radio Stations. If you are looking for Trade & Consumer magazines for your publicity efforts, you've found a trusted source! We've been doing this and only this since the year 1955 and are well known and respected within the public relations field."~

Saturday, March 19, 2011

My first public service announcement

I am currently taking a Writing for Television and Radio class. This semester I wrote a public service announcement as well as a commercial. Amazingly enough this writing came easily to me. I went from 'having no idea' to immediately getting ideas that worked the first time. Of course I have a tendency to write too much so the editing suggestions by my professor have really helped.

I find I am very interested in taking my art to video form.  I haven't had a video production class but I recently undertook learning my movie making program. Writing the announcement was the easy part of my PSA (public service announce) but I wanted to make it more interesting by adding some of my photography!

Using clouds as a backdrop was my first choice. I always take photographs of clouds and I didn't want the photographs to distract from the message. To view my first attempt at movie making ;) click here 

"Thanks for all your help Alonso del Arte ...and of course a great big "thank you!" to Ryan Farish who allowed me to use his wonderful music."~Tanya Britt, eyesonuphoto

The following feedback is from my professor on the finished project;

"Your effort here is wonderful. My only "professional" critiques would be to have voice over talent do the spot and to run the voices through some basic effects. But, for your demo reel - it's lovely. I really appreciate you getting in contact with the composer (I know how much you love him) - the music really makes the PSA. Great Job!
~ Prof. Nick Schlegel (Wayne State University)

 I 'm still learning and my goal is to master the movie techniques.  I found a video to share (and to learn from =)  How to Make a Movie on Windows Movie Maker

Reflective blog AH/HON 4240_11

Each student in AH/HON 4240 is required to present a grant proposal as a final assignment. I admit at first I was stumped, but then it all fell into place and my ideas began to flow. I have come up with an idea for expanding the computer lab at Mariners Inn.

My proposal consists of adding two Apple Computers, a photo printer and scanner to the lab.  Instruction, the appropriate creative software and printing supplies will also have to be accounted for in the budget.  The benefits the men at Mariners Inn will gain include; increase computer knowledge which might lead to future employment opportunities and increased self-esteem. I feel this is a do-able plan so now I must work out all the fine details of my grant proposal.

I do know for certain that this addition to the current computer lab will enable the men at Mariners to expand their creative ability. It will also allow them to take their art to the next level in digital design.  The options will be limitless to what they will be able to accomplish. They can scan their art and use photoshop to enhance their designs. They can also place their designs on greeting cards, t-shirts, as well as make journals, calenders, etc.

Now I must work out the fine details.  Listening to beautiful music gets my creativity flowing. =)

Reflective blog AH/HON 4240_10

Maurice "Moe" Hunter
Mariner's Inn
445 Ledyard Street, Detroit MI 48201
"The Mariner's Inn provides a 30-90 day residential substance abuse treatment and transitional housing to homeless men. Admission is voluntary and the client must be 18 years or older and sober before admission. The Inn has a total of 128 beds.   Contact (313) 962-9446 for more information." ~Mariners Inn

During one of our previous volunteer days we helped Maurice "Moe" Hunter's displayed his mosaic art at Mariners Inn. I brought my camera along to document the process. 

The healing affects of art are quiet evident in the great difference it has made in Moe's life. He has spent many hours developing his talent and has gone on to create some pretty impressive pieces.

In my photographs I feel I have captured Moe's pride in having developed his mosaic art. I think it is great that Mariners Inn has a policy to display the artworks done by their men. This gives everyone a chance to enjoy the finished artworks.

Maurice "Moe" Hunter

Maurice "Moe" Hunter and Doreen
Tanya, Doreen and Ayaka

Tanya, Doreen, Moe, and Ayaka

To see more photos taken at Mariners Inn click here. The following is a video on making mosaic art.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Reflective blog AH/HON 4240_9

On March 2 the class topic was Art and Healing- Transforming the Community.

Miniature Peruvian quilt

We had three presenters, Nancyann Turner (Capuchin Soup Kitchen), Jenenne Whitfield (Heidelberg Project), And Doreen Webb (Mariners Inn). Each spoke of the part their organization is playing in healing the community.

I am very familiar with the Mariner's Inn's accomplishments since I have been assigned to work with that group. Please click on the highlighted words for information on the organizations.

Miniature Peruvian quilt
 I was very impressed with Nancyann Turner (Capuchine Soup Kitichen) work she is doing with the young children who come into her facility.  She share a published photo-book of the photographs the children had taken after a camera workshop, and she shared some hand stitched quilts. She illustrated by presenting these items that working together on projects and as a community heals and brings people together. I have included photos of one particular quilt from Peru ( I believe) that I just loved.

Miniature Peruvian quilt
 This quilt used a combination of quilting and appliques. I discovered  a video of  Peru that features some of their music and workmanship. It was explained in the lecture that most of their quilting art is done as community projects.

Reflective blog AH/HON 4240_8

Recently in our AH/HON 4840_8 class the topic presented was Art and Healing: Transforming the Individual.  The evenings presentation covered what the process entails and its history. Holy Feen, a licensed Art Therapist, and Grace Serra, who has worked at Children’s Hospital, were the two speakers.  Both shared their first hand experiences with the process. From their accounts the process has been proven to be important in the overall healing and recovering of the individual.

Here is a video session on using Art to heal.

I also found a great article. Check out this link;

It is my personal opinion that art is necessary to feel fulfilled in life. Not everyone expresses their art and creativity in conventional ways. Planting a garden, preparing a meal, tinkering on a car, etc. is away of putting your artistic spin on creating something new. The following are a few inspiring quotes on art and creativity.

“Creativity is inventing, experimenting, growing, taking risks, breaking rules, making mistakes, and having fun.”~ Mary Lou Cook

"To be creative means to be in love with life. You can be creative only if you love life enough that you want to enhance its beauty, you want to bring a little more music to it, a little more poetry to it, a little more dance to it.” ~Osho

“You can’t use up creativity. The more you use, the more you have.” ~ Maya Angelou

Ryan Farish has agreed to allow me to use his music in my PSA!

I am so excited! I worked up the courage to ask Ryan Farish if I could use his music 'Full Sail' for my PSA and he said he would be honored to have his music used for such a worthy cause!

I must explain that my PSA (Public Service Announcement) is for Organ Donation.  The project came about in my Wayne State University class, 'Writing for Television and Radio'.  I came up with an idea for a script, and recorded the announcement (with the help of  my good friend Alonso del Arte) and shared it with my Professor.

I also shared the Ryan Farish's video for 'Full Sail' as a possible accompaniment to the announcement. Professor Nicholas Schlegel, who had been editing and assisting me in the project, agreed that the music was a perfect fit.

Now after getting the okay from Ryan Farish I have some work to do, and I am very excited. I must now combine the music with the vocal announcement and include an acknowledge of Farish as the creator of the music. I am truly grateful for such a talent composer to allow me to use his music. To hear more of his songs click here. For more information on Ryan Farish and where to purchase his music please click on the hyperlinks/highlighted words.