I am currently taking a Writing for Television and Radio class. This semester I wrote a public service announcement as well as a commercial. Amazingly enough this writing came easily to me. I went from 'having no idea' to immediately getting ideas that worked the first time. Of course I have a tendency to write too much so the editing suggestions by my professor have really helped.
I find I am very interested in taking my art to video form. I haven't had a video production class but I recently undertook learning my movie making program. Writing the announcement was the easy part of my PSA (public service announce) but I wanted to make it more interesting by adding some of my photography!
Using clouds as a backdrop was my first choice. I always take photographs of clouds and I didn't want the photographs to distract from the message. To view my first attempt at movie making ;) click here
"Thanks for all your help Alonso del Arte ...and of course a great big "thank you!" to Ryan Farish who allowed me to use his wonderful music."~Tanya Britt, eyesonuphoto
The following feedback is from my professor on the finished project;
"Your effort here is wonderful. My only "professional" critiques would be to have voice over talent do the spot and to run the voices through some basic effects. But, for your demo reel - it's lovely. I really appreciate you getting in contact with the composer (I know how much you love him) - the music really makes the PSA. Great Job!
~ Prof. Nick Schlegel (Wayne State University)
I 'm still learning and my goal is to master the movie techniques. I found a video to share (and to learn from =) How to Make a Movie on Windows Movie Maker
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